Executive Director

The success story of an Educational institution is woven around its pillars which support as well as facilitate growth. At BBIT these pillars are students, parents, faculties, technical and non-technical associates and management. These pillars have their vision, hopes, aspirations, achievements and expectations. Our Institute is under the leadership of our Chairman - Sri Jagannath Gupta, an experienced Industrialist and Philanthropist. Besides, we have experienced Trustees, Advisory Boards and Governing Body who are always guiding, supporting and appreciating our endeavors. We started this coveted Technical Institute, one of its kind in this Industrial vicinity of Budge Budge in 2009 with an intake of 60 students each in BTech Program in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering respectively and Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program. However, within a span of just one year a colossal infrastructure has been built by the management which has culminated into a Technical Campus with the introduction of Polytechnic Program in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering and Computer Science & Technology with an intake of 60 students each stream. Not only that, right from the very first year, the students of BBIT are getting industrial exposure to some of the industries in Kolkata. BBIT has shown a keen interest in providing quality faculties to its students. Most of the faculties are Ph. D holders with associations with Institutions of repute like IIT, NIT, CU, JU, BESU and so on. We maintain the faculty-student ratio well below 1:15, as per the stipulated norms of AICTE. Special classes are also conducted for the students who could not grasp the subject in the normal classes. Each faculty has been chosen as a mentor to provide the students with a proper guidance. Faculties need to go through continuous seminars and evaluation which is done by the students. To give the students future placements, BBIT has tied up with various industries through a placement officer to provide the students with proper training and internship. In its initial year, the Institute has shown its inclination towards extra-curricular activities as well. Starting from organizing a few fun-filled events on the Viswakarma Puja to Annual Sports, this Institute has established a niche for itself. It has even conducted its second Fest, "Verve 2011" with an active participation of all the members. The willingness to adapt change in an ever changing scenario will surely take BBIT to an elevated level. It is a promise which burns with in the members of this Institute which will be executed in days to come.
-Dr. Shubhangi Gupta
– Executive Director